• November 11, 2021

  • Abby Nuttall

  • Articles

Monday marks the start of this year’s road safety week!

What is Road Safety Week?

 Road Safety Week  is an annual campaign designed to raise awareness of one particular aspect of road safety. Last year it was speeding,  and in previous years the focus has been on road safety for other users, safety for cyclists and many other aspects of safety since it first began in 1997.

The campaign is organised by Brake, the UK’s leading road safety charity who support victims of road traffic accidents and the bereaved families of people involved in them as well as raising awareness of road safety concerns and campaigning for safer roads for all.

Road Safety Heroes

This year the focus of Road Safety Week is road safety heroes!

The campaign is hoping to raise awareness of the organisations, community projects, companies and individual who are making roads safer for all road users.

Aspects of the campaign will also highlight how we can all be heroic and do our part to help keep UK roads safe.

road safety week heroes

How Can My Business Get Involved?

Although Road Safety Week starts next Monday there are still many ways that your business can get involved.

You can sign up to get supporting documents from Brake via their website that can be used to prompt the week within your organisation.

You can also use social media posts on who your road safety heroes are and how they keep the roads safe – as a video, quick message or any form you like to highlight the work they do to keep us safe on the roads.

You can send an image and details of why your road hero is a hero to news@brake.org.uk for them to appear in the Road Safety Week Hall of Fame.

Alternatively, you can celebrate within your company, with a company wide memo or meeting to highlight the safety heroes within you business.

You can also organise your employees to join in the Safe Tee Day on Friday the 19th, where people across the country will be wearing their brightest tops and sharing pictures of them in order to highlight the importance of non-vehicle car users being seen on the road. This is especially important in winter when the days are shorter and high-vis is essential during darker hours to ensure cars and other fast-moving vehicles see them.

Another fun group activity you could do is a Safe Tea afternoon offering tea and baked goods for your company to enjoy. Any funds you raise can then be donated to Brake to help with future campaigns.

Let us know how you get involved with Road Safety Week below!